Lightning does more than light the sky

Pamela L. Gay, Ph.D.
3 min readJun 17, 2021

As spring moves to summer, many places are finally seeing this year’s thunderstorm and tornado season come to an end. While there are few things as beautiful as a massive storm sprawling across an empty landscape, the storms don’t stick to the empty places, and can cause destruction and even death. A few years ago, I found myself writing a frantic Facebook post along the lines of, “Caught in tornado, hiding at gas station.” While I was ok, a 2 mile long swath of destruction passed through my neighborhood. As bad as it can be on the ground, we’re now learning these storms can trigger…



Pamela L. Gay, Ph.D.

Astronomer, technologist, & creative focused on using new media to engage people in learning and doing science. Opinions & typos my own.